Sunday, October 23, 2011

iPhone Is Suspected with Keylogger Attack

Keylogger has never been far from smartphones. A research team from the Georgia Institute of Technology claims to have discovered a keyboard keylogger attack that is performed using an iPhone’s accelerometer recently.

According to Patrick Traynor, assistant professor in Georgia Tech’s School of Computer Science, in order for the attack to work, an iPhone (or other smartphone, for that matter) would need to be within a few inches of a computer’s keyboard, and the logging software would need to be active ont he device being attacked.

"When the iPhone is positioned within a few inches of a computer keyboard, it can kinetically capture the keyboard’s physical vibration. The attack method has so far shown an 80 percent success rate", says Traynor. "Every time you touch a key you create a physical vibration and it’s recorded by the accelerometer in the phone."